Bread Bake-Off Blog!

Date: 23rd Jan 2020 @ 12:23pm

Brilliant  bread baking in Year 6...

BREAKING NEWS... We made bread!

Today, Year 6 began the fun, exciting process of baking white bread. To start off, Mrs Naylor gave us a simple bread recipe and told us to follow it. 

Firstly, we had to weigh the flour (strong, white flour- 500g) and mix it into a bowl along with two teaspoons of salt and 7g of yeast. We then made a well in the mixture and added 3 table spoons of oil and 300ml of warm water. Then came the fun part! We used a spoon to mix the ingredients together, but after a while, we had to get our hands dirty. 

As you can see, not everyone was thrilled with using their hands!   

Once the mixture was kneaded, we placed it back in our mixing bowls and left it to prove over lunch time. 

Our dough started rising almost instantly!

After lunch, we moulded our dough into the designs we had chosen in the previous lessons. Our bread was then baked in the oven for 30 minutes and cooled before being given back to us to evaluate. What a fun day we had making bread!