Body Business

Date: 29th Sep 2019 @ 2:42pm

Come and See

What another busy week Year 3 have had. During our Come and See lessons we have been continuing our topic of ‘Homes’ by looking at the Holy family and how they might have lived and how our own beliefs and feelings can affect our behaviour and that of others. We discussed St Paul’s letter to the Colossians and shared our feelings about what it would have been like to live there at that time. To make links to the scripture, in small groups we acted out our favourite words and phrases from St Paul’s letter illustrating his advice.  


We have finished writing our descriptions of grandma from George’s marvellous medicine and they are now on display in the classroom. We have also been writing our own newspaper reports recounting the incident of what has happened in the story so far. I think we may have some future journalists in Year 3!!


Continuing our topic theme of ‘body business’, we have looked at muscles and joints this week. We even made our own moving arm to show how muscles work.

Have a lovely weekend, see you next week.