Bob's World Book Day Blog!

Date: 4th Mar 2018 @ 11:57am


Hello all!

Well what a day Year 5 had for World Book Day!

It was super to see so many children take part in the 'decorate a potato' challenge!

They plonked all of their creations right in front of my tank and scared the bubbles out of me!

Take a look at some of them below:

We also decorated our classroom door:

Along with our World Book Day assembly, and the Service of Sorrow in the afternoon, Year 5 spent the day listening to the very last chapter of their topic book, 'The Iron Man' and creating a newspaper report on the heroism of the Iron Man- defeating the Space-Bat-Angel-Dragon!

They tried really hard!!

Next week Y5 are unfortunately leaving behind their 'Space Gazers' topic, but are beginning a very exciting new topic, 'Brazil', in which the children will learn lots about the Amazon Rainforest, as well as have an in-depth look at Brazil as a country; comparing it to Britain!

If the children are as enthusiastic about this topic as they were about Space, it will be a success!

More next week, guys!


Bob laugh