Bob's Summer Term Blog Week 1

Date: 22nd Apr 2018 @ 6:23pm


Welcome back everyone!

I hope you have all had a wonderful Easter holiday!?

The children have got straight back into the swing of things this week after a lovely break. 

They are all looking forward to continuing their topic 'Brazil' this half term!


For R.E. this week, the children have been completing their Lent topic 'Sacrifice'. Miss Davies wasn't half cruel making them do their assessment on the first week back, but y'know what? The children LOVED it! They completed some excellent booklets on the meaning of Lent to Christians! 

They begin their next topic, 'Transformation' next week!

Talking of transformations- Miss even cleaned  my tank this week after neglecting me for two weeks! surprise


The Explorer by Katherine Rundell is still a huge hit in Y5! They will continue to read it for the next half term, and complete a few more writing lessons based on the novel- which is what they have done this week!

They started off with a Rainforest Reading Comprehension on Monday, then moved on to taking part in role plays and hot seating to 'personify' different places or objects they might find in the Amazon Rainforest.

Take a look at the pictures below:

(More pictures to follow)

These activities will help them with their setting descriptions next week!

In SPaG they revisited homophones- specifically 'their, there and they're', and how to use them accurately in sentences.



The children have continued their work on decimals this week, having looked at Comparing and Ordering, as well as rounding decimals to the nearest whole number and 1 decimal place.

They looked like they enjoyed it, and really got the hang of it

(their test scores looked good from where I was swimming anyway!)wink


Next week, Y5 will be doing lots more topic based work around Brazil and will also begin to look at the Brazilian artist 'Romero Britto'.


More next week!

Until then,

bye for now! smiley