Bob's Health and Well being Monday Blog

Date: 18th Jun 2018 @ 7:30pm


Hello everybody, and welcome to a very special edition of Bob's Blog!

'Health and Wellbeing week' has finally arrived at St Mary's, and it has certainly started off with a bang in Y5!

Today, the children have enjoyed lots of different activities in and out of class.

First of all, they started their 'Mindfulness' booklets, which consist of lots of fun, relaxing activities which they have all enjoyed so far!

Next, the children took part in some exercises on 'Go Noodle' in the classroom- lots of singing and boogeying I might add, AAANND they nearly set me off snoozing again with their relaxation thingymajigs, too. They even took part in a fun circle time and sharede their ideas!


After break, the children completed their daily mile. I wish goldfish could do things like that- it seems like so much fun!

Next, they took part in different surveys and questionnaires related to healthy living. The children asked each other lots of questions, such as what their favourite fruit or vegetable is, how many hours sleep they get per night, how many hours of exercise they do, what they do to help other people and what their method of travel into school is.

They then created their own bar charts with the data on, as you can see below:


I am really looking forward to what the next 4 days have in store, and will be updating you regularly what Y5 will be getting up to!

For now, though.

See ya'!wink