Bob's Blog Week 9!

Date: 16th Jul 2017 @ 12:55pm



Hello all!

Well, it’s getting to that time of year again when the children are winding down, the adults are winding down, and everyone is rushing around to finish things off! I’ve been swimming back and forth trying to keep up with them all!

This week has been a whirlpool!

Along with a few final tests for Maths, it started off with the children learning all about T.S. Eliot’s poetry collection: ‘Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats’.

(I was on edge alllll day! Do they even realise that merely mentioning the word ‘cat’ sends shivers up my gills!?)

Anyway, they were singing and dancing around to the soundtrack of the musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber. (Apparently, he turned the poetry into a play?! How terrifying!) [pictures coming soon]

The children also begun their new topic for R.E., ‘Stewardship’, where they learned about how they can be Stewards of God’s creation; caring more for the planet and the gifts we have been given by God. I have to say, they had some super ideas!


According to Miss Davies and Mrs McCartney, Y5 had a WHALE of a time on their school trip to SPACEPORT on Thursday! (I was left alone all day- but I overheard the children talking about it on Friday!)

The day started off with the children having a look around the museum; learning all there is to know about our Solar System and taking part in interactive activities to do with Earth and Space- they were ecstatic!

Next, they had a go on the Space Simulator Ride; which took them on a rollercoaster through Space; I think the adults enjoyed it just as much as the children!

Afterwards, they were transported into outer-space in the Space Dome observatory and watched a wonderful film on the ceiling called, ‘We are aliens!’

Lunchtime was spent on the Ferry across the Mersey! They were as good as goldfish and had lots of fun watching the world go by!

Once back on dry land, they all headed back to Spaceport for the final part of the day; Rocket Launch! Everybody had the chance to launch their own rocket inside (all of the adults also had a turn. Miss Davies and Mrs McCartney did so well, they won the whole class a set of rockets to make and take home!)

Finally, the children had one last zoom around the museum and it was back home!

To top it all off, the weather was glorious all day!!

A special thank you to Mr Quinn and Mrs Twist for giving up their own time to come along and help out- it was greatly appreciated!


On to the final week of Year 5 this week…

Last blog of the school year coming soon!