Bob's Blog Week 6-7

Date: 17th Dec 2017 @ 10:21pm

Hello there!

Bob again, just to update you on the goings on in Y5 over the past week or two.

As the Christmas holidays are fast approaching, the children have been very busy helping out with the Christmas play and taking part in singing practise over the past few weeks.


The topic in R.E. at the moment is Hope, which links to Advent and ‘Waiting in Hope’.

The children have taken part in lessons about waiting patiently for all sorts of things, particularly the coming of Jesus at this time of year.

We looked at different scenarios of waiting and how we could relate them to waiting for Jesus’ birth.

They have also been looking closely at the signs and symbols of the advent wreath.



In Maths this week, Year 5 have been learning about Factors and Multiples, including finding factor pairs of numbers up to 100 and common factors and multiples of different numbers.

They were really good at it!



In English this week, the children have identified and used Prepositions in different parts of sentences during their SPaG lesson, and have finished off their Donald Trump letters from the previous week.

Geography/ Topic

On Thursday, they all blew Miss Davies away with their research skills!

The children were put in groups to look more closely at different World Biomes, in order to plan and find information for their upcoming presentations at the end of next week. The children were so enthusiastic and found out lots of interesting facts!

Travis found out that the Atlantic Ocean is 8,486 m deep, and Josh learned that the Antarctic desert is actually the largest desert in the world, at 5.5 million square miles!



Last but certainly not least- BISCUIT MAKING!

I still didn’t get any biscuit to taste!!

However, the children had a whale of a time making their biscuits!

They added lots of different ingredients and experimented with many different flavours. Here are some of the finished pieces:


They are getting ready for a busy week ahead, with lots of exciting activities to look forward to before the Christmas holidays!