Bob's Blog Week 5 Summer 1

Date: 20th May 2018 @ 9:18pm


Hi everyone!

Welcome back to yet another of Bob’s blogs.

Well, it’s almost the end of the first part of the summer term and I cannot believe how rapid it has been! 😊


The children have been up to all sorts over the past few weeks, including adding the finishing touches to their ‘Brazil’ topic, which they seem to have really enjoyed!

In R.E. they have been continuing their ‘Transformation’ topic. I heard them telling a story about a Road to Emmaus or something the other day? (Well… the children enjoyed it so it must have been good). They pretended they were this person called Cleopas or something or other, and looked at when Jesus was resurrected and how he filled all of his followers with hope again, that he was the Promised One.


In Literacy, they have been planning and writing their assessments: the 9th Chapter of the ‘Explorer’- their topic book about the Rainforest- Oh I can’t wait to hear more of the story!

They have also taken part in some very tricky SPaG lessons, including learning all about Parenthesis, (which at first I thought was some sort of illness…) but it turns out it comes in handy when you want to add extra information into a sentence or something?! Oops!



In Maths, they have been doing lots of measuring- length I think?



According to Miss Davies, they all should be able to convert metric measurements, so they went outside and left me AGAIN to measure random objects on the playground in mm, cm and m, so that they could convert them.

Next week, Miss Davies says they will do some problems solving, and even look at Imperial and Metric conversion (sounds fancy and complicated to me!)

In Science this week, the children did a stand-alone lesson on ‘Gravity’. They learned about Isaac Newton, Galileo and even got to use Newton Metres and scales to measure the mass and weight of different classroom objects in grams, kilograms and newtons. They loved it- although it was a bit chaotic and giddy for a while- my head was spinning by the end of the afternoon!

They have also created bar and line graphs in Computing to help them analyse more Brazil climate data! 

The children have been adding the finishing touches to their Romero Britto artwork, too- Miss Davies says she is going to make another display with them all, and will take pictures for my blog for next week. They look fantastic!

They even got to dress up for Mrs Taylor during their music lessons this week. I only got a sneak preview, but they were playing lots of different Brazilian inspired music and dancing, too!

(images coming soon)



More from me very soon!


Bob x