Bob's Blog Week 4 September 2018

Date: 30th Sep 2018 @ 10:50pm


Well hello there!

Welcome to another Y5 blog by yours truly, Bob! 

Short but sweet this week. Take a look at what Y5 have been up to this past few weeks:


The children have continued their 'Ourselves' topic and have created some poems about being 'unique'. They have also looked at lots of scripture related to the topic and have completed lots of very impressive letters, too!


In literacy this week, the children have been looking at diary entries.

They started the week by analysing the diary of Anne Frank to identify the features of a diary entry, then they had a go at writing their own from Tim the Ostler's point of view (from the Highwayman). They were sooo enthusiastic- just how Miss Davies likes it... She was well impressed! They couldn't wait to carry it on the next day!


In SPaG, the children revised prepositions and how to use them in different parts of a sentence. They did this in pairs with a board game and worked really well!


In maths this week, the children have been revising addition facts and the column methods, along with learning new ways to solve problems.



So far in their topic 'Traders and Invaders', Y5 have ordered timelines, created Anglo-Saxon passports, filled in maps, looked at reliable and unreliable information,  looked at the type of equipment the Anglo-Saxon's have used and even designed their own Anglo-Saxon brooch after researching them!

Poetry week next week laugh

Bye for now!

Bob x