Bob's Blog Week 4 & 5

Date: 3rd Dec 2017 @ 11:56am


Ahhhhh...... takes me back to when I was a little nipper...


Been a little erm, distracted lately, what with all the Christmas preparation going on, and now my tank is clean again, I'm feeling all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed ready for another of my blogs!!laugh

What have Y5 been up to you ask?


R.E. took over last week, and the children wrote their own booklets for their assessment, which was based on the Marriage Liturgy and what the signs and symbols of marriage meant.

They truly tried their best and worked very hard!

We then took part in a prayer time related to our Belonging topic and reflected upon our Missions set by God.

(pictures to follow)


Y5 have done lots of writing recently in Literacy, too, in preparation for their assessment which is a persuasive letter. After the Anti-Bullying letters, they have begun planning a letter related to our Topic- ‘Our Wonderful World’.

The children were very passionate about the letter they received from Kitsap during our ‘Stunning Starter’ the other week, and after the recent news of the USA withdrawing from the ‘Paris Climate Agreement’, they have decided they would like to write a letter to Donald Trump to try and persuade him to change his mind and help save the planet!


Miss Davies has said she is really looking forward to hearing their ideas!



Area and Perimeter have been the focus of Y5 Maths over the past two weeks.

The children have looked in depth at some very tricky questions, but have really enjoyed lots of measuring and problem solving during lessons. They took part in some interesting Reasoning activities, too!


I was really miffed that I didn’t get to try all those tasty biscuits, I have to say!

The children tasted lots of different biscuits to help give them some ideas about which ingredients to use for their biscuit making soon.