Bob's Blog WEEK 3 2018

Date: 11th Mar 2018 @ 9:48pm

Hi everyone!

Welcome to another Bob’s blog!

Let’s see what Y5 have been up to this week!


The children have been finishing off their Memorial Sacrifice Topic this week in Come and See. They have been looking more closely at the Last Supper and the Eucharist: studying scripture, Eucharistic Prayers, Responses and Sacrifice in daily life. They have created PowerPoint presentations, prayers and booklets and even a poster; advertising L’Arche: a charity set up by Jean Varnier to help vulnerable people with disabilities. It was all very eye-opening and the children have found this topic super interesting!

Next week, they are going to be starting their new topic, ‘Sacrifice’.



In Literacy this week, Year 5 have started a new novel which is linked to their new topic,  ‘Brazil’.

It is an adventure story called ‘The Explorer’ by Katherine Rundell. The children are hooked already, and are looking forward to reading more of the story and completing even more wonderful writing about it in the coming weeks!




In Maths, they have continued to look at Fractions, including ordering and comparing, however they have also been learning about how to add and subtract fractions, including mixed and whole numbers.

It’s tricky stuff, but the children persevered and have tried really hard!



As you may already know, Year 5’s new Curriculum Topic for Spring Term 2 and Summer Term 1 is ‘Brazil’.

(See topic web on our class page for more information)

On Monday, the children were invited to wear colours of the Brazilian flag; blue, green and yellow, to introduce the topic.

They had a fab day, with lots of great activities- including a super interactive Geography lesson on the location of Brazil- which seemed to inspire them lots. They are all excited to learn even more about Brazil in the upcoming weeks!

They also had a look at some Brazilian Music with Mrs Taylor!



Year 5 have continued to create Scratch Maze Games on the computers; this time, adding extra stages to their games!


More next week!

See you for now wink
