Bob's Blog WEEK 3 2018

Date: 21st Jan 2018 @ 8:54pm

Hello again, everyone!


Bob here, for yet another update on the antics of Year 5 at St Mary’s.

I say this every week… I know…

But it has been super busy in our Y5 classroom during week 2 of the first Spring term!


The children have been working very busy and have really been getting their teeth into their new topic!


The week started off with some times tables tests, reading comprehensions related to Space and R.E.:

Y5’s topic: Mission, required them to create some rockets (appropriate for the topic) about their missions for 2018, and what they would like to achieve in or out of school.

They had a lovely lesson, focusing on the words of comfort from ‘God’s news for the poor’ (Isaiah 61) and the hymn ‘God’s Spirit is in my heart’.

It was tricky stuff- but it was lovely to see and hear the things the children learned about God and how He can comfort us in times of need.


Stay and Pray

Thank you very much to the parents that attended the Year 5 Stay and Pray on Tuesday morning.

The children are very glad you had the opportunity to see them take part in their prayer time, which is a very personal and special time of day in school.


Our Maths topic this week has been Prime numbers.

Year 5 have looked at the Sieve or Eratosthenes and his method of finding the prime numbers.

They also did some problem solving and looked at Prime factors, too- which they were very good at!


As part of their writing lessons this week, the children have been looking closely at non-chronological reports related to the video ‘Pandora’, which is a mythical moon with weird and wonderful creatures living on it.

The children have done a lot of descriptive writing, as well as some research into the animals that live there.

They are hoping to write all about it next week!


Oh, aaaaand… in SPaG (Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation), they looked at relative and embedded clauses- which they all loved and got the hang of straight away!



Last but certainly not least- the children have had a BLAST this week looking further into Space for our ‘Star Gazers’ topic.

Not only did they research the planets of our Solar System in more detail, but they had a fun-filled afternoon tasting Space food, creating Astronomical Passports, taking photo booth photos, exploring the Kids NASA website and much more!


As if all that wasn’t enough! Year 5’s first swim of the year got off to a good start. They were all very well behaved and did Miss Davies proud apparently!


More antics to catch up on next week.

Ta ra for now!
