Bob's Blog Summer Week 3

Date: 7th May 2018 @ 9:27pm

Hello everybody!!

Ooooh well…. What a week!

Y5 have been busy, busy, busy yet again!

In R.E., they have begun their new topic, ‘Transformation’ and have been looking at different types of energy.


In Maths, they have been tackling PERCENTAGES… (not my favourite, I must admit!) They have been fantastic at recognising the equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages, and even did some problem solving, too! Miss D was super impressed!

In Literacy, they have delved deeper into their Brazil topic, and have been researching and comparing the lives of the poor and the rich in Rio De Janeiro. It was so fascinating to see how much empathy the children had for/ Leandro (a boy who lived in a Favela in the city), and they wrote some fantastic diary entries from Leandro’s point of view!


In Geography, they also compared the climates of different Brazilian cities and the UK average; where they created their own line/ bar graphs to show rainfall and temperature- they didn’t ‘alf look fancy 😊


In Art, the children have continued to look at the work of Brazilian artist, Romero Britto, and have even begun to design their own ‘Britto style’ art, which they will hopefully finish before next week!

They even painted rocks!!?

How bizarre ey?

I thought they were finally going to add some colour to my tank, but no- they are going to give them away to strangers apparently!? The children were really excited about it and everything, and Miss Davies said it was a lovely idea, but I think they’d look better where I can see them!


More Y5 antics next week.

Ta ta!

Bob 😊