Bob's Blog Spring 2 Week 1

Date: 25th Feb 2018 @ 8:01pm

Welcome back everyone!

Hope you all had a lovely week off!



Bob here again to tell you all about what Year 5 have been up to this week...


Firstly, a huge warm welcome to Mrs McDonald, who is very kindly going to help out in Year 5. The children and teachers are very excited that Mrs McDonald has joined their team and are looking forward to working with her!


The new topic for Come and See this half term is ‘Memorial Sacrifice’.

Year 5 have had a lovely few lessons discussing their memories and what makes a memory special and unique.

They listened to a story called ‘Wilfred Gordon McDonald Partridge’ by Mem Fox, which is all about a young boy who is friends with some older people at a nursing home. Wilfred discovers what memories are, and helps an old lady with dementia try to remember her past.


Miss Davies was very impressed with the children’s’ mature and thoughtful responses.

They have also had another look at the Passover and the story of Exodus; along with the importance of how Jewish people remember this important event. The children came up with some questions they would like to ask somebody Jewish from around the time of Exodus, as well as more recently.

It was fascinating!




I’m all fractioned out after this week, I’m telling you!

Y5 have had a great time finding equivalent fractions and converting improper fractions and mixed numbers, as well as reasoning and problem solving, too!

They certainly got the hang of it by the end of the week!



During Literacy this week, and to go along with the last 2 weeks of our ‘Star Gazers’ topic, the children have had a closer look at the Iron Man by Ted Hughes: writing character descriptions, summaries, and even descriptive writing about conversations between the Iron Man and Hogarth.

Theyyyy loved it! More Iron Man work to come next week.



I can safely say that the current Space Topic has been a roaring success!

The children have completely blown Miss Davies away with their fascination and enthusiasm, and she is so thrilled to hear so many children finding out facts at home to share with their classmates.

A special mention to everybody that completed any of the activities set for homework over the holidays.

Everybody has been so touched by the amazing effort put in to the projects they have seen over the past week- they want to send their thanks for all the hard work and dedication!

(Pictures in the gallery)


This week, during topic lessons, the children have learned all about the Phases of the Moon- including what caused the Super Blue Blood Moon at the end of January.

They had a super time using Oreo biscuits to depict each phase the moon goes through during a month.



Year 5 are starting their new topic in Computing, ‘Programming’ this half term.

This involves using the programme ‘Scratch’ to develop ‘Maze’ and ‘Splat’ games themselves.


That’s all for now!

More updates next week.

Ta Ta!