Bob's Blog 4- E-safety and Judaism Week!

Date: 15th Oct 2017 @ 10:10pm


Bob here, again!

Well, I can't believe it is nearly half term already!

The children have been up to allsorts this week. They have all worked very hard!

Judaism Week:

In R.E., the whole school have been looking at Judaism throughout the week.

Year 5 have focused on the story of Exodus, where they sequenced the story of Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt.

Others created a tune to the song 'Go Down Moses' and performed it to the rest of the class:

The children also learned about Passover or 'Pesach' and how it is celebrated.

Some of them looked more closely at the Seder Meal:

While others created some Charoset- a mixture of apple, walnuts, cinnamon and grape juice. This element of the Seder meal symbolises the cement used by the Jewish slaves during their time under Pharaohs rule.

One group researched the meaning of Kosher:

For their final Judaism lesson, the children looked more closely at Jewish prayer; specifically the Shema prayer, which is kept in a Mezuzah behind the door of every Jewish household.

One group had a go at making their own Mezuzah's:

Others researched Jewish Prayer on the internet and in books!

It certainly was fascinating!

Next week, the children will be looking at Hinduism, which means even more exciting work- watch this space!


In Literacy this week, the children have been planning and writing their first assessment based on the novel, 'There's a Viking in my Bed'- which has been a huge hit! The children haven't stopped giggling at it!

Miss Davies was blown away by their efforts and is looking forward to reading them all once they have written their second draft next week!


In Numeracy this week, children have started to look at Multiplication using formal written methods. 

They will be continuing this next week!


As it has also been E-Safety week, Year 5 have taken part in lots of different activities to stress the importance of being safe on the internet and recognising when we need to inform a responsible adult.

They created their own e-safety keyrings:

They also re-created different scenarios about internet safety and took part in role plays:

They even created a class acrostic poem about e-safety, which will be shown in Monday's assembly!


Another busy week next week trying to finish last bits off before half term!

More updates soon!

Ta ta! laugh