Bob's Blog 3

Date: 9th Oct 2017 @ 10:00pm

Wesaþ hāl

(that means 'hello everyone' in Old English!)

The children are immersed in their topic at the moment.

They have been doing lots of work on the Anglo Saxons recently, including reading 'There's a Viking in my Bed' by Jeremy Strong, and creating their brooches.

Last week, the children celebrated poetry for school's poetry week.

As the theme this year was 'Freedom', Y5 looked at a poem called 'Freedom' by Josie Whitehead.

As a class, the discussed what freedom means to them and wrote down all of their ideas. They then created their own verses for a new poem about freedom.

Their ideas were incredible! They even got the chance to read them out in assembly, showing off their art work at the same time! 

(poem examples to follow)

In Numeracy, the children have been doing lots of work on Addition and Subtraction, including problem solving and reasoning.

They have begun to use larger numbers for addition and subtraction, using formal written methods, along with mental calculations. 


In R.E. they have just finished their first topic for Autumn term, 'Ourselves', in which they looked at the big question, 'Who am I?'.

This week, they are looking forward to starting their Judaism topic, which will focus on the story of Exodus and Passover. 

(more to follow)

'til next week!
