Bob's Blog 2

Date: 27th Sep 2017 @ 9:03pm

Hello again!


Well, week 3 floated away quickly!

Let me tell you a bit about what the children got up to last week!

During Literacy, Year 5 delved deeper into their topic. Not only did they look at the Old English epic Anglo-Saxon poem, Beowulf, but they created a wanted poster for the Highwayman and analysed the poem further, looking closely at its’ similes and metaphors.

(pictures coming soon)

Whilst we’re on the subject of Traders and Invaders, the children completed LOADS of work in History on Thursday.

Firstly, they each created their own Anglo-Saxon Passport, explaining where they came from and why, what their occupations were, what they looked like and how they arrived here.

Afterwards, the children put together some statements spoken by a Roman soldier, a Celtic servant and an Anglo-Saxon warrior: discussing the different points of view of each person and their importance.

As if that wasn’t enough, they ALSO wrote a diary entry from the point of view of an Anglo-Saxon, describing their journey over the North Sea to Great Britain. They enjoyed it so much, they spent two lessons on it! Miss Davies was well impressed!


Maths was rather interesting, too!

The week started off with counting in steps of powers of 10, then moved on to interpreting negative numbers in context and finally problem solving at the end of the week. They really got the hang of it!

In R.E., the children looked at how we are ‘Made to be like God’, discussing the qualities we have been given by God, and how we can develop those qualities in our daily lives. They had some amazing ideas!


The children ended the week with some research into Anglo-Saxon brooches and buckles. They collected some images on the computer ready to design their own and make it over the coming weeks. They were very shiny and colourful!


More of Y5's antics and hard work next week!
