Bob's Blog 1 2017

Date: 17th Sep 2017 @ 9:59pm



Well... if there's one of us that is thrilled everyone is back- it's me!

It isn't half lonely in school for 6 weeks!

It's great to see some new faces in Year 5 after a well earned break.

After a whirlpool of a first week, the children are settled in and ready to begin a brand new year!

The new topic this half term is 'Traders and Invaders'- pretty frightening if you ask me... So our new Literacy topic is the narrative poem, 'The Highwayman' by Alfred Noyes.

The classroom was turned upside down, yet again, after a crime was committed right before my very eyes! Take a look at what the children were greeted with when they came in on Tuesday:


They investigated what had happened and made predictions based on clues within the crime scene, which included blood, a handprint, a pistol, a rapier sword, a tricorn hat, a picture with a lipstick print on and a mask- scary stuff!!!surprise

The children had some wonderful and gruesome ideas! Turns out it was the Highwayman all along!

We will be doing lots of writing around the poem- watch this space!

In Numeracy this week, the children have been revising Place Value- reading, writing, ordering and comparing numbers up to 1,000,000 and Rounding to the nearest, 10, 100, 1,000, 10,000 and 100,000- phew... so many zeros!

Our R.E. topic for Come and See this half term begins with the theme, 'Ourselves', where children will be looking at the qualities and talents given to us by God, and how we are all unique. The children have already discussed how they are peacemakers, which fits in nicely with our new reward system in school-


As you may be aware, Y5 have been decorating their own buckets to go up on display in the classroom. We have also discussed what it looks like, feels like and sounds like to be a 'bucket filler'. A bucket filler is somebody who makes the right choices at all times and is kind, generous and uses integrity to fill others' buckets. Children who are recognised for this, receive a pom-pom to put in their bucket. Children who are unkind and do not make the right choices are 'bucket dippers' and will be encouraged to make the right decisions.

We are very excited to try out our new system in Y5!

(images to follow)


Our 'Traders and Invaders' topic is linked to our History this half term. The children will be looking in great detail at the Anglo-Saxons, Vikings and Scots over the coming weeks, with lots of practical and written work to sink their teeth into!

So far, they have created a human timeline of British history, giving them a better idea of how long ago some significant events took place. This helped us place the Anglo-Saxons, Vikings and Scots in time, so that we had some perspective of what counts as 'well old':

As a class, we discussed what BC and AD stand for and also had a go at making our own chronological AD timeline- it was great fun! (pictures to follow)

All in all, it has been a fantastic few weeks! 

We have very high expectations in Year 5 and Miss Davies, Mrs McCartney and Mrs Fowler are all looking forward to another successful year!

'til next week wink