Bob's Blog- Week 7

Date: 11th Jun 2017 @ 10:56pm

Hello again, all!

I believe this is the last half term of Year 5, already!?surprise

The children have had a marvellous week this week from where I can see!

To start with, they have all embraced the Viking project that was set for over the holidays! There were some rather scary looking objects being passed around uncomfortably close to my tank, thank you very much! See for yourself:


The new Literacy topic for a couple of weeks is 'explanation texts', so they have been trying to figure out how to create a 'Teacher Pleaser' machine for Miss Davies- bizarre if you ask me!

(More to follow on that I think...)

In Numeracy this week, they have been finishing off their Time topic and solving problems involving converting time- they really got the hang of it!smiley

As for R.E., 'Freedom and Responsibility' is the new topic for the next few weeks. The children had lots of fun looking at school rules from 1872 (which were frightening to say the least!) and compared them to some of the rules we have in school today (personally, I think they have it easy in comparison!)


The children discussed whether having more freedom gives us more responsibility or not- deep stuff! They had some great ideas, I think (I got a little lost- it was all far too clever for me!)

On Thursday, they all came in from dinner discussing the EELection, so Miss Davies decided to stop that lesson they do when they go upstairs into the 'lab' or something ( I wouldn't know, as I never see past these three glass walls!) and have a question and answer/ debate about what a 'Snap Election' was and why it was happening. Pollocktics or something? They looked at a PowerPoint presentation about it and were absolutely fascinated/ engrossed by it all, which was lovely!

Let's see what's in store for next week...

Ta'ra for now!