Bob's Blog- Week 5!

Date: 4th Feb 2018 @ 9:30pm

Hello everyone!


Welcome to another of my blogs!

Just a quick update on the antics of Y5 over the past couple of weeks: 

Come and See

In R.E. Y5 have continued our ‘Mission’ topic and have looked closely at the diocese we belong to, as well as the role of the bishop in a Catholic community.


In Numeracy, Y5 have looked more closely at Roman Numerals: specifically reading years in Roman Numerals and counting up to 1000.

The children have also been learning more about 2D and 3D shapes, with lots of work on identifying regular and irregular polygons, as well as working out 3D shapes from their 2D nets.


The children have thoroughly enjoyed linking their Space topic with Literacy, particularly when writing Non-Chronological reports on the moon ‘Pandora’, which were finally finished.

They have also had a lot of fun reading Space Plays during guided reading, as well as listening to the Iron Man by Ted Hughes when they have a spare minute at the end of the day!



Science lessons continue to WOW the children, with lots of questions asked about Space.

This week, the children looked at how Day/Night and the Seasons exist- including the orbit of the earth around the Sun.

(more images to follow)

Next week, they will be looking more closely at the phases of the Moon.

The topic will continue for a couple of weeks into Spring 2 term.



In Computing, the children have been testing their skills on search engines: exploring how to use Google Translate and other tools related to Google.


Passport to the Park

On Friday 26th January, Year 5 and 6 finally had the opportunity to go to the park as part of their reward for a fantastic Autumn term. The children all enjoyed an ice-cream (even though they didn’t bring one back for me!), and had a super time at the park.

There will be an opportunity to go again at the end of next term if children continue to make the right choices- which I’m sure they will!

Images can be found in the Gallery on the class page.



The children had a blast at Spaceport on Friday 2nd February!

Miss Davies was very proud of them all, as they behaved impeccably and were very enthusiastic!

A great big thank you to Mrs Lamb, Mrs Lightfoot, Mrs O’Donoghue and Mrs Fowler for their help on the trip!

A gallery of images from the trip can be found in the Gallery section.