Bob's Blog- Week 3!

Date: 6th May 2017 @ 10:55pm









To swim, or not to swim? That is the question!

Ooops! Sorry.... Shakespeare on the brain again...

Year 5 have had more Macbeth this week and the children have been finding opportunities to read more of good ol' Bill's plays during silent reading- Miss Davies was well impressed!

The children have been engrossed in problem solving this week in Numeracy, too: using and applying their knowledge of factors, multiples, prime and square numbers.

In R.E., the children learned about the Conversion of Saul and took part in role plays related to the story, and in Science, they started a new topic: Animals including Humans- researching what happens in Old Age- didn't sound very riveting to me, but there was lots of enthusiasm from that lot, as always!

More updates and pictures to come- well, if this tank doesn't get any murkier!

BOB laugh