Bob's Blog- Week 2

Date: 15th Nov 2017 @ 10:51pm


Bob here!

Welcome back to yet another of my blogs!

I personally think the children have worked their socks off this past week or so.

They have certainly been trying to catch up on things and finish bits off in some subjects, and there has been lots of extra things going on!

At the end of the week, they disappeared with their coats on. Turns out they attended the Memorial Service with the Y6 children. It was a beautiful service (so I've heard!), and the children behaved superbly!


During  R.E. this week, they have been continuing their Belonging topic and talking about the missions set for them by God. Many of them researched Martin Luther King: somebody who was inspired by their faith and decided to fulfill thier mission to serve God and speak out for others in need.


In Literacy this week, the children had a special delivery sent to school.

It was an enormous box! I thought it was a new tank for me, as this one is becoming extra filthy lately, however I was very disappointed to see it was just loads of old artefacts that meant nothing to me! The children seemed super excited about it, though!


I hear the box had lots of different artefacts in it that belonged to somebody called Kitsap,a Native American man from the Suquamish tribe.

Kitsap sent a letter to the children, explaining how worried his tribe were for the safety and sustainability of the earth, and how important it is. 

He asked them to find ways to convince people to save the planet, which is what they did! They will be completing this work in the upcoming lessons this week! 


The children also read the book: 'Brother Eagle, Sister Sky', which illustrated the famous speech by Chief Seattle. They loved it!!!!!



In Numeracy they have been solving more problems and taking part in answering reasoning questions. A very tricky skill to have but with more practise, they are getting better and better at it!


In Computing, the children completed more work on e-safety, visiting a website called gridclub, which enabled them to see what it might be like to use different elements of the internet that pose a risk to them. They thoroughly enjoyed it, and all got excellent score on the quiz afterwards!! laugh


The children have taken part in all sorts of things related to their topic, 'Our Wonderful World', this past week.

Not only have they been researching biscuits around the world and why we eat them, but they have been looking more closely at the Continents and finding lots of facts using Atlases and the internet.

In music, Mrs Taylor asked them to research music from different countries and they created a presentation about the country they chose- Mrs Taylor was very pleased with their effort, too!

To top the week off, it was own clothes day, where lots of Y5 brought in their donations of christmas chocolate- Miss Davies thanks you all for your generosity!

Lots on next week!

It is Anti-Bullying week, so there are a lot of fun activities to take part in!

'Til next time wink