Bob's Blog- Happy New Year!

Date: 14th Jan 2018 @ 9:04pm


A very Happy New Year to you all!   

Oh, I do hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year!

Miss Davies has asked me to pass on a special message to say thank you all very much for your lovely and thoughtful gifts at Christmas. She was very touched by your generosity!


So, it’s the start of 2018 and a new topic for Year 5- SPACE!

My favourite!

But first, this week began with a lovely Collective Worship on Epiphany for the children-

And there's another new topic for R.E.- Mission- Life Choices!

They have been learning about inspirational people and how we are all set a mission in life by God, to follow in His footsteps and do good by everybody.


Literacy has linked in with the new topic this week, and Y5 have written their own non-chronological reports about some planets in a different solar system- there were some ultra -bizarre ideas, but they seemed to love it!


The term has started off with square and cube numbers in Maths. Children have been investigating and learning them off-by-heart and have been solving some problems, too!

Prime and Composite numbers next week!


For their P.E. lesson, Y5 took part in a Star Wars Yoga session- they had an absolute blast as you can see, and really tried their best!

I have seen some extremely colourful work in Art, too. The children had a look at the work of Artist Peter Thorpe. He creates Space Art using left-over paint he has used.

Y5 had a go at re-creating his work and made some of their own. Look how it turned out!!!


Next week, the children will be digging even deeper into their new topic and exploring the universe- watch this space!

‘til next week!

Bob cheeky