Bob's Blog- Autumn 2

Date: 5th Nov 2017 @ 11:23pm



Welcome back to the second part of the Autumn term!

I hope you have all had a good break.

This week, the children have got straight back into it and have been working super hard.


The new R.E. topic this half term is 'Life Choices- Belonging', in which children will learn about commitment and dedication, as well as how to live out their mission in life to follow in the footsteps of Jesus.

On Tuesday, the children discussed what makes a good friend and created adverts for what they look for in a committed friend.


The topic for this weeks' Maths lessons has been division. Year 5 have been introduced to using the 'bus stop method' for division:

All those times tables made my head hurt, let alone the children!

More work on times tables and using mental strategies next week, I think!


During out Literacy lessons this week, the children focused on SPaG (spelling, punctuation and grammar), which is vital for their writing.

They looked first at Subordinate Clauses (those parts of the sentence that need a main clause to make sense, I think?frown)

They also looked at apostrophes for possession and contraction:


Our new topic this half term is 'Our Wonderful World'.

This week, children have been using Atlases and globes to find and label the 7 continents of the World and the 5 oceans. 

They have also been looking at the Life Cycles of Mammals, which is their new Science topic this half term, too!

Next week, we are looking forward to starting our writing, which is linked to our topic!

We will be sure to keep you updated!

See you then!

Bob laugh