Bob's Blog - Autumn 2

Date: 4th Nov 2018 @ 10:38pm

Hi everybody!


It’s been a while!

I’m feeling refreshed after a well-earned break (watching all those Y5 children work so hard every day is tough on the old fins y’know!)

It’s a new half term, my tank is clean and all is good in life

The children had a fantastic half term learning all about the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. Miss Davies looked impressed with the enthusiasm of the children and was thrilled to see so many amazing projects coming through the doors.

Thanks to the children (and a little help from some parents), there is a fantastic array of shields, weapons and longships on display in class.

As for the beginning of the new half term, the children have got stuck into their new topic, ‘Our Wonderful World’, already.


‘Life Choices- Belonging’, is the new R.E. topic this half term. The children painted some amazing pictures of what friendship means to them earlier in the week.

They also created some ‘Adoremus’ art work, which looks fantastic!


In English, a mystery visitor left a rucksack with a selection of different items, including a sleeping bag, a tent, compass, torch, food, maps, a bike, binoculars and much more!

The children investigated who these items could belong to, and are looking forward to finding out on Monday!


They will be starting to plan their own adventure stories soon- lots of writing to come!


Our Multiplication and Division topic is coming to an end- the children have been learning more about Long Multiplication and the Bus Stop method for division, as well as lots of Reasoning and Problem solving, which they have been very good at so far! This week, the children actually went fishing for division questions- literally! I’m just glad it wasn’t in my tank- PHEW!




Geography- Y5 have been identifying the continents and oceans of the world. They will be looking more at the countries within the continents, as well as the biomes across the globe- exciting stuff!


The children are looking forward to Hula Hooping next week, as well as the Remembrance Service on Friday.


‘Til next week.