Bob's Art Week Blog

Date: 25th Jun 2017 @ 10:58pm



Art Week


The children have been ecstatic this week! Anybody would think they had all been on holiday or something- well, not far off!

This week, Year 5 visited Brazil.They marched in on Monday morning with a boarding pass and a flag, then next minute some sort of Carnival music was playing- I thought my distant cousin, Carlos had made an entrance at first, but thankfully I was wrong!

Let me break down what went on this week:


Romero Britto

The children learned all about Brazilian Pop Artist, Romero Britto on Monday. They particularly liked the thick black lines and vibrant colours he uses in his paintings. Neo-pop cubism they called it. Sounds a bit fancy if you ask me, but the mood in the classroom was wonderful all day. Take a look at some of his work and you will see why:


They even had a go at drawing and painting their own interpretation of Romero Britto's Brazilian flag!

Beijinho do Coco

(Coconut Kisses)

The children also had a go at making Beijinho do Coco, which is a sweet treat that is very popular in Brazil. They had lots of fun making these, even though there were a few sticky fingerprints on my tank afterwards!! They didn't even bother saving one for me, either! 


Samba Dancing

They were also very lucky to take part in some Samba dancing which was lots of fun (apparently)! 

(videos to come!)

Carnival Masks

The carnival masks looked excellent, even if they did resemble one of my worst nightmares- feathers everywhere!

They learned all about Carnivals and how they are a way of life in Brazil.

Pasta Bead Jewellery

Samba Music Workshop

They even had change to play some traditional South American music with Carlos, using authentic instruments! My tank rattled from the other side of the school! It sounded fantastic though!

Photo Booth

(more to come)

To top the week off, we had an amazing assembly which showcased everything that each class had participated in throughout the week!