Bishop Tom visits St.Mary's

Date: 25th Apr 2017 @ 8:29pm

Tuesday 25th April 2017

Today we had a very special visitor in school - Bishop Tom. He came to experience life at St. Mary's and he was very impressed.

Bishop Tom started the day by meeting Mr. Leatherbarrow, our Chair of Governors and then he visited all of the children in class. The children were very curious about Bishop Tom and had lots of questions to ask him. Some of the children were not very impressed to hear that Bishop Tom supports Everton! Mrs Hymers was extremely  unimpressed -  as she supports Manchester United!

We celebrated Mass together at 11.00am and the children sang and read beautifully. Our soloists Harry, Harry, Tillie, William, Ava, Florence, Keira and Liam brought tears to some of our teachers' eyes. 

A big thank you to the parishoners and our families who joined us to celebrate Mass.

After Mass, Bishop Tom stayed to have lunch with Fr Bernard, the staff and some of our Governors. 

It was a very special day as Bishop Tom doesn't visit very often, so it was lovely to meet him.