Big Billionaire Blog

Date: 17th May 2017 @ 10:56am


This week, we have been really busy perfecting our final drafts of our newspaper articles on 'Billionaire Boy'. We hope to have them finished by the end of the week, so Miss Barnes can read and enjoy them over the weekend. Keep checking our gallery as some of the finished pieces will be uploaded once they are complete.

Image result for newspaper



This week in maths, we have been trying very hard to consolidate our understanding of division. We have been practising short division (the bus stop method), and using concrete apparatus to help us gain a deeper understanding of division. Our homework this week is linked to the maths lessons we are completing (as it is every week), so be sure to practise with your children at home. 

                                             Image result for short division


We have now come to the end of our current science topic which was all about light and shadows. We completed a little assessment on Tuesday to show how much progress we have made. Then, we updated our topic view and filled in - in coloured pencil- all of the learning from our topic. We have learned so much about light and shadows! Here are just a few of the things we have discovered:

  • Light travels in straight lines
  • Light can be reflected
  • We need to protect ourselves from harmful UV rays
  • A shadow is created when an opaque object blocks a light source
  • Shadows increase in size when an object is moved closer to a light source
  • There are 7 colours in the visible spectrum (ROYGBIV)

Our next topic in science is all about plants and growth. We will be starting this topic next week and it will run until we break up for the summer holidays.

Image result for shadow        Image result for light#   Image result for uv


In our PE lessons, we have been learning how to play rounders. We have learned skills such as under arm throwing, over arm throwing, catching and batting. We have been putting these skills to the test in our lessons by taking part in games of rounders. Miss Barnes has been impressed with our tactics and strategies- we are getting much better at thinking strategically to maximise our scores!


                                                             Image result for rounders clipart


In computing lessons, we have been improving our typing skills by typing up extracts from children's stories and playing games to help us recognise computer keys at speed. This is something we would really benefit from at home, too. This week in computing, we are moving on to looking at how we can create different types of document using desk top publishing tools. We will be putting our typing skills to the test to create posters which will be displayed around our classroom.