Autumn Term Two- Week Six

Date: 8th Dec 2022 @ 4:10pm

Hi everyone,

We have had a very busy week in Reception. This week, we have been writing Christmas to-do lists using our phonic knowledge. The children have come up with some fantastic ideas for getting ready for Christmas, such as putting up the Christmas tree, praying to Jesus, cooking Christmas food, and saying thank you for cards and presents.

In phonics, we have learned the digraphs/trigraphs ‘ai, ee, igh and oa’.  We love saying the rhymes as we write the letters! The children have been given a letter formation sheet, which helps to reinforce the work they have been doing in school. There is no need to return the sheet to school, so please just do what you can and when you can. Feel free to use your imagination to practise letter formation (writing with paint, foam or even writing in the mud with a twig, etc.)  This week, we learned the tricky word ‘was’.

In maths, we looked at how to represent the numbers four and five. The children represented amounts with five frames. A lot of super language has been used to compare amounts, such as one more and one less than, two more than.  The children have been given some fun home learning activities, which help to reinforce the work they have been doing in school. It would be lovely if you could upload a photograph of your child's work to Evidence Me so we can celebrate their learning.

We went on a cold wellie walk. We looked around and noticed many changes. Tree leaves had fallen, and there was frost everywhere. The children had a fabulous time writing letters and numbers in the frost. Next week, we are going to have hot chocolate with marshmallows while listening to a winter story. We cannot wait.

We had a great time taking part in Santa Dash! Thank you for supporting the appeal.

In Come and See, we used puppets to retell the story of the First Christmas and talked about the characters we recognised. The children did an excellent job sequencing simple pictures from the story.

The children are doing a fabulous job rehearsing for the Nativity. They are fantastic singers and actors. We cannot wait for you to come and see the play!

We hope that you have a lovely weekend,

The Reception Team