Autumn Term Two- Week Five

Date: 2nd Dec 2022 @ 12:57pm

Hi everyone,

What an exciting week we have had in Reception!

We have had a lot of fun reading the 'Jolly Postman' and writing some wonderful Christmas letters to Father Christmas. The children are enjoying the Christmas phonics activities.

In phonics, we have learned the digraphs 'sh, th and ng’.  We love saying the rhymes as we write the letters! The children have been given a letter formation sheet, which helps to reinforce the work they have been doing in school. There is no need to return the sheet to school, so please just do what you can and when you can. Feel free to use your imagination to practise letter formation (writing with paint, foam or even writing in the mud with a twig, etc.)  This week, we learned the tricky words ‘we, me and be’.

In maths, we explored spatial awareness. We had fun putting teddy bears in different places around the classroom and using positional language to describe where they were. The children have been given some fun home learning activities, which help to reinforce the work they have been doing in school. It would be lovely if you could upload a photograph of your child's work to Evidence Me so we can celebrate their learning.

This week in Come and See, we talked about how we can get ready for Jesus' birth. We also had time to reflect on how Mary and Joseph must have felt as they prepared for the birth of Jesus. We discussed Advent and what it means to wait. The children also had a lot of fun making Christmas tree decorations.

Christmas is rapidly approaching! We were so excited to put up our Christmas tree this week. We each carefully hung a bauble on the tree. Buddy and Elfie, our two cheeky elves, have also arrived in the classroom, and we are hoping they are not too mischievous!!!

We hope that you have a great weekend,

Miss Berks and Mrs Mc Donald