Autumn Term 1- A Fantastic Start!

Date: 30th Sep 2021 @ 10:38am

Hello everybody!

We have all settled into life in Year 2 brilliantly and Mrs TD, Mrs Ryan and Mrs OD are SO proud of the fantastic start that everyone has made. ?

A HUGE "Well Done!" to all of our 'bucket fillers’, those who have been awarded 'superstar status' in class, 'stars of the day' and house point winners. 

Here is a little snippet of what we have been up to recently…

Our “Passport to The World” topic has proven very popular and the children have absolutely blown Mrs Ryan away with their enthusiasm for learning about different places around the world. We have been using maps, atlases and globes to identify the 7 continents and 5 oceans. We have thought about which continents Gregory (from our class reader, ‘Gregory Cool’) travels to and from and which ocean he crosses. We have learnt that we live in the continent of Europe and have used books and the Internet to find out about landmarks of the 4 UK capital cities. We have written postcards to Gregory from London and Edinburgh and have designed travel guides for Belfast and Cardiff.

In our Computing lessons, we have been learning about E-Safety and have been practising some of our ‘Key Skills’ such as logging on and off, typing and searching. We have enjoyed using Purple Mash to practise sending E-Mails safely and learning how share our work securely with our teachers and classmates. We have also been thinking about our ‘Digital Footprint’ (the trail that we leave behind online) and have created our own digital footprints for a class display.

In our Literacy lessons, we have been writing our own stories about going on holiday- just like Gregory. Mrs TD has been so impressed by the children’s hard work and focus on neat handwriting and correct use capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.

In Numeracy, we have been learning about place value and have been identifying tens and ones in two-digit numbers. We have also been solving word problems.

We are looking forward to beginning some artwork next week- based on the work of Caribbean artist, Roy Lawaetz.

Keep up the super work children! We are so incredibly proud of you all.

Mrs Ryan & The Year 2 Team 
