Autumn 2- Week 3

Date: 23rd Nov 2023 @ 12:52pm

Hello everyone!

The classic tale of Little Red Riding Hood was this week's focus story. Acting out the story with props was a lot of fun for us! Additionally, the children wrote some amazing descriptions of the story's characters using their phonic knowledge!

Mr. McDonell, a former police officer, paid us a visit on Tuesday. In addition to describing the role of a police officer, he also talked about stranger danger- never talking to strangers and never accepting sweets from someone we do not know! We also enjoyed trying on various pieces of uniform.

In phonics, we learned the letter sounds ‘y’ and ‘z’ (zz), aswell as the digraph ‘qu’.  We also practised reading the tricky words 'he' and 'she', and spelling the tricky words 'the' and 'to'.The children have been given a letter formation sheet, which helps to reinforce the work they have been doing in school. There is no need to return the sheet to school, so please just do what you can and when you can. Use your imagination to practise letter formation (writing with paint, foam or even a twig in the mud, for example.)

This week’s Drawing Club story was the 'Gingerbread Man' . We really enjoyed expanding our vocabulary by learning words like  "soggy, cunning, and sneaky." The children really enjoyed creating and drawing a brand-new gingerbread creation!

We looked closely at the numbers four and five in maths. Using five frames and counters, we had fun representing these numbers. Additionally, the children continued to develop their subitising skills (recognising numbers of things without counting.) Next week, we will learn our number bonds to five facts!

We have started a new topic in Come and See called 'Birthday'. We spoke this week about the experience of anticipating our birthdays. Not only that, but we have been discussing and preparing for the Nativity. Watch this space! 

This week's Wellie Walk was a blast! We built some amazing hibernation dens outside for our hedgehogs. Just before the hedgehogs went to sleep, the children read them some lovely stories. Check out some of the photographs below!

The Gingerbread Man was this week's Drawing Club story. We had a lot of fun learning new vocabulary, such as "soggy, cunning,  sneaky." We especially enjoyed inventing and drawing a new gingerbread creation!

We wish you a happy weekend,

The Reception Team