Autumn 1 half term

Date: 23rd Oct 2020 @ 10:39am

What a fabulous half term we have had.  It has been lovely to see all the children back in school and having lots of fun.  Here are a few things we have been doing.


At the start of the term we have been talking about our homes and families in our ‘Come and See’ lessons.   Last week we started our new topic ‘promises’.  During this topic we will be learning about Baptism and the promises parents make to bring their child up in Gods family.  This term in numeracy we have been learning all about place value, addition and subtraction.  In Mrs Ryan’s lessons we have been learning how to tell the time.   In our literacy lessons we have been researching Roald Dahl’s life and reading some of his books.  We have read Georges Marvellous Medicine and The Magic Finger.  We have looked at the style of his writing and used his books during our guided reading sessions.  Throughout our body business topic we have been learning about the human skeleton and muscles.  During our art lessons we have learnt about the artist Arcimboldo and his work.  Also, we have used different grades of pencils to create different thickness of lines and learnt about the colour wheel. In D&T we have been learning about different food groups and what makes a healthy plate. 


We finshed off a great half term with our 'Teach and Treat' day - take a look at the blog to see the spooktacular goings on. devil

Hope you have a lovely break and stay safe yes