Art Week 2017

Date: 20th Jun 2017 @ 4:37pm

Image result for worldArt Week 201Image result for world


This week, we have been extremely excited as it is Art Week. Our lessons have been totally different this week and we have been learning all about a specific place. At the start of the week, we had a fantastic whole school assembly, where we found out all about Art Week and its focus. Our theme this year is 'Our Wonderful World'. Mrs Taylor excitedly told us all that we would be finding out about different countries. We couldn't wait to find out where we were going! We were given a familiar flag as a clue. Mrs Taylor told us that we were going to learn all about America! The buzz in the room was fantastic and we couldn't wait to get started.

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After assembly had finished, we marched back into class singing 'It's a Small Small World' and we were greeted in class by something special. Our classroom had been decorated with American things, to fit in with our theme. We have cardboard cut outs of the Statue of Liberty, a giant flag on our whiteboard, and some red, white and silver stars dangling from the ceiling. Not to mention some American street names on the walls around us!

American Breakfast

Once we had the chance to catch our breath, we started the week off with some food tasting. Miss Barnes showed us a PowerPoint which told us some of the landmarks in the USA, the currency used and some of the things they are famous for. We then had the chance to eat some delicious pancakes with chocolate chips, maple syrup, cream and blueberries. Yum!

Presidential Election

After finishing our pancakes, we wrote a letter to Miss Barnes explaining why we thought we should be chosen to be President of Year 3 for the week. It was such a hard decision! In the end, we decided to use a democratic approach and we all voted for who we thought deserved it. Our President for the week is Ava M. So far, she has made some important decisions (like who to give jobs to, who deserves Star of The Day etc). 

Street Dance

In the afternoon, we took part in some street dancing. We impressed Miss Barnes with our moves. We produced a routine as a class and we worked collaboratively in groups to perform our own little sections of the dance. We really enjoyed this lesson!

Georgia O' Keeffe

Throughout the week, we will be looking at art from America. We have studied one particular artist in detail. Her name is Georgia O' Keeffe. She specialised in painting flowers up close (almost as if you put a magnifying glass in front of the flower). We recreated one of her pieces of artwork called 'Ladder to the moon' and we had a go at painting our own version of a flower up close. Below you will see Georgia's paintings beside ours to compare.

Image result for ladder to the moon

As well as concentrating on Georgia O'Keeffe's work, we will be learning all about Native Americans in our music lesson this week and we will be taking part in a range of art and craft activities to celebrate Our Wonderful World.


We are looking forward to sharing our learning from this week during our whole school assembly on Friday afternoon.

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