Anti Bullying week

Date: 27th Nov 2017 @ 7:25pm

Anti-bullying week

During anti-bullying week in year 3 we started our week by designing a pair of odd socks. We talked about how we are all different and how our odd socks represent these differences. Our odd socks are going to be displayed in our classroom to remind us every day that we are all different.

Throughout the week we looked further into the different types of bullying, and we looked and discussed different scenarios. We talked about what bullying was and created a role play to show our understanding. We performed our role plays in the anti-bullying assembly.

In literacy, year 3 planned and created their own information text all about Ancient Egypt.

In numeracy, year 3 learnt all about rulers, and how we use them to measure lines and the perimeter of shapes.

During topic time, year 3 have been focusing on their DT projects to create a healthy sandwich. First, the children tasted the ingredients needed to make a healthy sandwich, then made their healthy sandwich and finally designed an appropriate packaging for their purpose.