Anti-Bullying Week 2019

Date: 14th Nov 2019 @ 8:47am

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Anti-Bullying Week 2019

This week is National Anti-Bullying Week. The theme this year is 'Change Starts With Us'. In class, we have been learning all about change and how sometimes, change is necessary. 

One person who was responsible for a big change in society was Rosa Parks. We learned all about her life story and how she changed the course of history with her bravery and her determination to do what was right. After listening to Rosa's story, we were asked to creatively respond however we chose to. Some of us produced a painting, others recreated the story through role play and some of us decided to retell the story via a presentation. 

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We have also completed activities relating to bullying behaviours and we came up with our own bullying criterion: we discussed the fact that bullying behaviours are only bullying if they meet the following criterion:

1. Deliberate - acts are done on purpose.

2. Targeted - acts are carried out on a particular person or group of people and not everyone else.

3. Repeated - acts take place on several occasions by the same person or people.

4. Imbalance of power - there is a difference in stature (height, popularity, wealth, etc). 

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Furthermore, we have looked at how bullying can be direct or indirect. As part of a morning activity, we completed an activity which gave us the definitions and asked us to sort scenarios into the two categories based on these definitions. We then shared our answers with the rest of the class.

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Finally, we looked at making change: we thought about bullying scenarios in and out of school that could potentially take place and we considered how we would deal with them and stop them from happening. We designed our own posters, where we thought about strategies we could use to manage our feelings if we were ever to be bullied, and we also thought about how to problem-solve when we are involved (either directly or as a witness / observer) in a bullying situation. We said that one of the main changes that needed to happen was encouraging the bully/ bullies to make other choices by making them see that their actions and words are detrimental to someone else's health, wellbeing and self-esteem. 

Image result for stop bullying

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