Anti-Bullying Week- by Bob

Date: 3rd Dec 2017 @ 11:10am


For Anti-Bullying week, Y5 took part in lots of different activities throughout the week, which linked to our Literacy work, too!

Firstly, they made odd socks to symbolise their uniqueness and how they are all different and special.

They also made a class paper chain (which turned out much smaller than anticipated). The children each wrote down a pledge they would stick to, to stop bullying in and out of school. There were some wonderful ideas!

Ruby said she would make sure that she would tell a trusted adult if she thought somebody was being bullied.

Travis said he would stand up for people being bullied!

It was important for the children to all understand, also, the lasting impact bullying has on people, and that saying sorry for bullying somebody doesn’t make everything better straight away. It takes a long time for the scars to heal. The children took part in a ‘conscience alley’, where they acted out a situation of bullying to symbolise this.

We also learned a song called ‘I will be your friend’, which the children performed during the Anti-Bullying assembly. Miss Davies couldn’t stop smiling every time they sang it- they have such beautiful voices and really sang their hearts out for everybody!

Finally, they also watched a video called ‘For the Birds’, which was all about some small birds bullying a big bird because he was different to them. The children were appalled by this, and decided to write a persuasive letter to the small birds, telling them of their disgust and how they should apologise to the big bird immediately.


Miss Davies was thrilled with the enthusiasm from the children throughout the week!