An end of year message for all the children ready to start Y1 in September from Mrs Duffy and Mrs Taylor

Date: 20th Jul 2020 @ 11:28am




Hello Everyone smiley!!!


We have now reached the end of what has been a funny old first year in school for you all.


When you come back to school in September, you will be big Y1s who will be ready to start your next adventure at St Mary’s.  You will be doubly lucky too because you will have, not one but, two class teachers who can’t wait to meet you all; Mrs Duffy and Mrs Taylor.  You will know both of us from playground duty, infant prayer time and from just seeing us out and about around the infant department. Mrs Duffy loves teaching maths, phonics, reading, Come and See and science and Mrs Taylor loves teaching writing, phonics, music, history, geography, art and technology.  Mrs Duffy is mummy to 2 big boys and Mrs Taylor is mummy to 2 medium sized girls!  Some of you maybe a little worried about coming back, after being off school for such a long time, please don’t be!  We will look after you all.   A few things will have changed but lots of things will be the same, as when you were last here, including your teachers and friends. 


The15 reception children who we have been teaching over the last 5 weeks have adapted so well to the new routines and worked like little superstars at the tasks they have been given.  Mrs Hymers has been very impressed when she has walked through class to see them all working on task and becoming independent learners.  We are both very excited about seeing all of you children once again in September when we will become our own little Y1 bubble. 


All of the adults  in Y1 will work hard with you to make sure that your work is just at the right level so we can try and plug any gaps in your reading, writing, phonics and maths that may have sneaked in as a result of school being closed.  We will take it slowly, at first, and help you if you get stuck or need any support with your work.  That is what we are here for!



Here are a few things that you may want to know about Year 1 before you start back at school in September:-

  • In the Y1 classroom, you will be sat at circular tables with, probably, 2 other friends.  Tables will be wiped down, between lessons to ensure clean work surfaces, should anyone need to swap places for different subjects.


  • To help keep you all safe, it would greatly help us, if you could provide your own named wipe clean pencil case containing HB writing pencils, coloured pencils (no felt tips), a glue stick, scissors, a ruler and a rubber.  Once in school, these will be left in your trays and not taken home. 
  • You will all need to also bring in a named plastic or metal bottle containing

water (not juice) which will go home on an evening to be washed and be returned with fresh water every day.


  • In Y1, you can bring your own snacks into school for morning snack time.  To encourage healthy eating, snacks at St Mary’s should be a healthy choice e.g. fruit or dried fruit.  A piece of fruit is usually provided by school for every child in the infants.  However, there is only one choice with the fruit provided so if you wish to bring your own piece of fruit or healthy snack you are welcome to do so.  You will have15 minutes to wash your hands, eat your snack, drink your milk or water and put your coat on prior to going out to play so you will only have enough time to eat one or two items maximum.


  • Children who are not on school dinners should bring their own packed lunch in a wipe clean bag or box.


  • ‘Show and Share a Favourite Book’ replaces ‘Show and Tell’ in Y1 where you are invited (in alphabetical or reverse alphabetical order) to bring in your favourite book to share with the class.  This will commence in Y1 when it is deemed safe to do so.  You should therefore not bring any items for ‘Show and Tell’ or any other unnecessary items to and from school.
  • You may provide your child with their own wipe clean book bag for their home reader and homework. 



Here are some things that you can be doing over summer to help you have a fantastic start to Y1:-

  • Practise your phase 2 and 3 sounds and high frequency words that Miss Amor sent home with you in Reception.  The list of phase 2 and 3 sounds and high frequency words is attached to the blog.
  • Practise blending simple words and reading books aimed at early years readers (every day if possible).
  • Practise reading (and possibly spelling some of) the words on the Year 1 Common Exception Words List. These are words that you should be able to read and hopefully spell by the end of Year 1.  The Year 1 Common Exception Words List is attached to the blog.
  • Learn to write your full name (including your surname but not your middle name if you have one)
  • Practise writing simple sentences.  Maybe, write a diary of all of the adventures you get up to in the summer holidays.
  • Practise reading, ordering and writing the numbers to 20.  We already know that some of you can go way beyond this so don’t let this request limit you to what you can go up to!
  • Practise completing simple add sums, e.g. 6+4= and simple take away number sentences, e.g. 11-2= using ones to help you. Show your mummy and daddy how you can write the number sentences with the answers yourself.


Before we say goodbye for now, the most important thing that we want you to do over the summer holidays is to stay safe and healthy.

Take care and have a lovely summer         .


Big hugs from Mrs Duffy and Mrs Taylor heart

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