Amazing Artwork and a Harvest Assembly!

Date: 17th Oct 2019 @ 12:03pm

Hello everyone! J

We have been very busy in Year 2 over the past few weeks. Mrs Ryan and Mrs T-D are so impressed with how well we have all settled into life in Year 2- we love being the oldest class in the Infants!

We have really enjoyed our ‘Passport to the World’ topic where we have been learning about the different continents and oceans of the world. We especially liked learning the ‘7 continents’ song- some of us have even been singing it to our mummies and daddies at home!

It is fair to say we have some budding artists amongst us! We have been busy learning all about the 7 different elements of Art- line, shape, colour, value, space, texture and form. We have used each element to create a Caribbean inspired picture and we are putting these together to create a pyramid in the style of Roy Lawaetz. Look out for pictures on our class page of the finished artwork-coming soon!

We also enjoyed learning about the meaning behind the ‘Harvest Festival’ and sharing what we learnt about how Harvest is celebrated in the Caribbean as well as in the UK. Mrs Ryan and Mrs TD were so proud of everyone for taking part in our Harvest assembly last week. We know lots of the children were nervous to stand up in front of so many people, but they all did a super job!

We have one more week left until half term and lots to get through before we finish- including a trip to Liverpool Airport, making a picnic for Gregory Cool and sampling some Caribbean ‘mocktails’ and tropical fruit and investigating our favourites!

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Mrs Ryan and The Year 2 Team J