Amazing Animals and Some Shout Outs!

Date: 10th Jun 2020 @ 12:51pm

Hello Everyonesmiley

I am so proud of Bobby practising his ‘ –tch’  Letters and Sounds spellings and getting nearly all of them right.  Perhaps it was the Harry Potter writing paper giving you magical spelling powers with these difficult words, Bobby!  Also a big well done for thinking of some other words containing the same spelling rule that weren’t on the list!


Scarlett has been hard at work again.  This time she has been investigating mixing different materials like oil, detergent, water and inks in Science.  I love your lab coat, Scarlett.  You look like a real scientist! 


Talking of science, our topic in science for this half term would have been ‘Animals’.  We would have been recognising and naming different animals, classifying them into carnivores, herbivores and omnivores and also classifying them into birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles, insects and mammals.  We would have learnt about the classification criteria for these animal groups too, like whether they are warm or cold blooded, their structure, what their body is covered in and whether they lay eggs or have live babies. We also would have learnt about another grouping of animals which, in the infants, we call mini-beasts.  We would have gone on mini-beast hunts for all sorts of creatures like insects, spiders, worms, snails, etc and looked closely with magnifying glasses at their structures and researched their names.  Seeing as we have had quite a bit of rain, this week, now would be a good time for you to do your own mini-beast hunt.  Remember to look under big rocks and logs as well as on trees and in the soil. We would also have visited Blackpool Zoo during this topic which, unfortunately we can’t do as a class anymore, but since the Government are opening zoos very soon, perhaps you could do with your families.  There are lots of animal resources on that are aimed at this topic in Year1.

Anyway, whatever you decide to do, stay safe and take care.

Love Mrs Duffyheart

















































Anyway whatever you decide to do, stay safe and take care.


From Mrs Duffy