Alternative Pronunciation of ch Part 1 for Mrs McDonald's Library Phonics Group

Date: 28th Jun 2020 @ 12:17pm

Hello Y1

Before I give you another set of spellings to learn, I just wanted to share Matilda’s news with you.  To tie in with our topic of summer holidays, she visited Llandudno and its very old pier.  I visited there too, last year, with Mr Duffy and Matthew.  We had a great time in the arcades but the seagulls kept hovering over us when we were eating our ice creams!  I hope the seagulls didn’t get you, Matilda!


Here are some new spellings for all you super spellers!


Please learn to read and spell these words that contain one of the alternative pronunciation of ch rules.  In these words, the digraph ch doesn’t make the ch sound, it makes the hard ck or c or k sound.


Please find the words that Mrs McDonald’s library phonics group need to learn below:-


Rule-Alternative pronunciation of ch - part 1


school      Christmas   


chord       Chloe




Please also practise spelling other simple words that contain these rules.      



High Frequency Words


Please learn to read these words by sight:-


through    eyes    what    please


A flashcard approach sometimes is the best way to help children to learn to read these words.


Please learn to spell:-




With Big Hugs From Mrs Duffy