All those at home - day 3

Date: 24th Mar 2020 @ 7:13pm

Helllo to all Y2 children working at home today,

Hope you are well and working through your home learning tasks.  Remember to try and follow your home learning timetable - just like we do in school!  Well done to all those children who have completed their Purple Mash 2Dos, I will try and set a new one each day.  In Purple Mash there are lots of other activities and games  you can explore which will really help you with all your learning and home projects.  2Type is really great for helping you with your keyboard and spelling skills and its great fun too.

How are we all getting on with our times tables? Before we finished we were doing really well with our 10s 5s and 2s - has anyone tried their 3's and 4s yet?

On our school website you can see the Come and See Newsletter, this will help show your parents what we have been learning about this term, we were thinking about our Lenten Promises and listening to all the stories about Jesus travelling to Jerusalem and what happened when he arrived there on Palm Sunday.  It might be nice to draw the story in pictures, or write our your Lenten Promise poster style and decorate with Easter pictures.  

Remember to keep reading every day and try to share what you've read and enjoyed with a grown up.  Have a "guided reading" session at home and think of lots of questions you could ask about the book.  Try writing out your own questions using the Canine Reading Gang to help.  Remember Iggy Inference, Victor Vocabulary, Sequencing Suki, Predicting Pip and Rex Retriever? Ask your parents to login to the free Twinkl Home Learning Resource as there's loads of great things there to help with Home School.  

Take care you lovely lot and I'll blog again tomorrow.

Mrs TDsmiley

PS I have set up a Y2 display board on Purple Mash for you to share any work. Just use the Share Icon and then I can look at it and give it the thumbs up!!