A Very Warm Welcome!

Date: 6th Sep 2018 @ 4:40pm


On behalf of the Year 1 team, we would like to offer a very warm welcome to all the little shining stars that have joined Year 1 this week and what a seamless settling it has been!  The children have shown such maturity in their approach to being in a new class and have enjoyed all the activities which they have been given.  We have had lots of 'getting to know you' chats and the children have had the oppoprtuity to get to know their teachers too.

Come and See:

We have been talking , drawing and writing about our school's core values.  The children were superstars in telling the class about how we should treat others.  This led into lots of discussion about our class rules and why we have them.  The children have produced some lovely work which will be displayed in class.

British Values:

We have also been learning about how the Government makes the rules by which everyone in our country must live.  We learnt about the Houses of Parliament and all collaged our own picture of this important building.  A couple of these collages will be displayed in the entrance hall along with work from all other classes.

On Thursday afternoon, the children decorated jigsaw puzzle pieces, working with someone that they wouldn't usually work with.  It was lovely to see all of the children interacting and chatting with their friend and working as part of a small team.  We look forward to piecing all of them together to show that in year one we are all different but we all fit right in!  

We feel sure that after this wonderful start, the year can only get better and better for your children.yes

Kind regards

Mrs Taylor and Mrs Duffy smiley