A little catch up.

Date: 8th Oct 2022 @ 7:00pm

Hello Everyone!

We are now more than half way through our first half term in Y1 and the children are getting used to all the routines and rules.  They have worked their little socks off! 

We have loved drawing round each other and labelling all of the external body parts, learning about the artist Paul Klee who takes a line for a walk, writing our diaries and about our feelings and learning and performing poetry for National Poetry Week.

In our Come and See topic of Families we have read some psalms about God's love for us and looked at his beautiful world that he takes care of.   The children know that God loves them even more than the flowers and the animals, so they do not need to worry, as they know that God will take care of them.  They have also made zig zag books about how Jesus grew up in a family that loved and cared for him just like they do.

Thank you to the mums and dads who attended our reading workshop and learnt about the Phonic Screening Check and how to best help their child with reading at home.  We can't emphasise enough, the importance of your child reading to you or a family member everyday to help improve their phonics, word recognition, fluency, comprehension and book behaviour.  Some children have already taken home our reading teddies Paddy and Max and enjoyed reading to them everyday and some children have been invited to bring in their show and share book to share with the class.  Please dont worry if your child has not yet been chosen for either of these things, everyone will get a turn and, hopefully, possibly two turns?!! The children have been practising their phonics every day in class and will, once assessed, in the next coming weeks, take home a list of any sounds or high frequency words that they need to continue to practise at home.  

Kind regards

The Year ! Team