A few weeks in...

Date: 11th Oct 2019 @ 8:02am

Hi all, 

We've had a lovely few weeks and we've really become used to the routines in Y2.

Come and See

The children are enjoying their topic "Signs and Symbols" and bringing in their special mementoes from their own (or others) Baptism celebrations.  Some of the children went on a hunt around school, spotting all the different signs and symbols, whilst others have drawn some lovely pictures.  We have all enjoyed learning some new songs to accompany our topic and the children's singing is lovely to listen to.


We have come to the end of our first unit, "Numbers and Place Value" and have all completed a mini-assessment so we know exactly where we are up to.   Our next unit will focus on addition and subtraction.


Poetry week was a huge success and we all performed our poem in the Celebration Assembly.  Some of us took part in Miss Davies' Poetry Slam on Thursday.  We are coming to the end of our first topic "Passport to the World" and are really excited about visiting John Lennon airport next week.

See  you all next week

Mrs Talbot-Daviessmiley