A Busy Week

Date: 21st May 2017 @ 7:24pm

Well what a busy week we've had AND what a mixed bag of weather! It was such a shame that Sports Day had to be cancelled, but hopefully the weather will be kind to us in July. It is never easy to cancel an event - especially when the children are disappointed. 

Year 2 have worked really hard this week completing not 1 but 2 reading challenges. I was very impressed with their positive attitudes. They were determined to find the answers in the text - like detectives searching for clues laugh. I know Mrs Talbot-Davies was very impressed too and she has a lovely treat planned for you all. 

I had the opportunity to meet with the PTFA on Thursday evening at 7.30pm and I am always really grateful to the small group of parents who give up their time to raise funds for our children. I know that they would love it if more of our parents could get involved. In an era of budget cuts the extra funds that we raise are now more important than ever. All money raised comes back into school and is spent on enriching our children's educational experiences. If you can't make the meetings - why not volunteer to help at an event. Our Summer Fair is a really busy event and lots of extra hands would be really appreciated on July 7th (from about half past one).

Tea@2 was also a hectic affair this week with double the number of children. What a chatty bunch of children they were! I am always amazed by what I discover during Tea@2 . Your secrets are never safe when the children have cake! Our children (and parents) lead such busy lives from spending the weekend taking part in sports to sleepovers. The children are also very keen to chat about life at school and I love listening to what they think we do well at St. Mary's and more importantly what we could do even better - although a swimming pool is definitely out of the question (Abbie).  Children have no filters and I always get an honest opinion smiley

One more week to go until we break up for half-term. I can't believe how quickly the year is passing by.