A Busy Day

Date: 5th May 2017 @ 12:12pm

What a busy day we've had today. We started our day with our usual Reward Assembly where we clebrated the children's good work and applauded the House Point Winners. Assembly was followed by our whole school singing session which we all really enjoy. Today we started to learn a couple of songs from different cultures and we ended the session with a rousing rendition of 'I'm the King of the Swingers' from the Jungle Book. 

My guests for Tea@2 were a very chatty bunch and I found out lots of interesting things from them. Olivia and Jacob from Reception were very keen to tell me about the dinosaur that's hatched from an egg that they found inside their classroom. I think the dinosaur spent the night in my office as it was very untidy this morning and my chair was facing the wrong way smiley Fr Bernard came to say that the lights were on late in school last night and Jacob thinks it could have been the missing dinosaur turning them on. Keep an eye out for it children.

Poppy and Mia were very excited about having sleepovers and Dominic and Tillie were going to have a relaxing weekend before the SATs next week. Ava is excited about going to Portugal in the holidays, whilst Lloyd is going camping. 

We talked about the children's favourite subjects in school and art, history and maths were a popular choice with Maya, Oliver and Lloyd. 

Charlotte told me that she thinks the teachers are very nice - even me! and Declan, Tillie and Dominic all said that the teachers help them with their work.

The children gave a special mention to Mrs Ollerton and Mrs Leatherbarrow who ring home for them when they have forgotten something. Joseph also said he likes the way that they join in with the songs that we learn in singing like 'Hey Mr Miller'.

My favourite quote of the day comes from Maya in Y2 who said that she really likes the passion that the children in our school have and she likes the way that we all respect each other. I couldn't have put it any better myself Mayasmiley

Have a lovely weekend everyone. Get lots of rest (especially Y6) and I will see you all next week.