A Big Thank You

Date: 25th Nov 2017 @ 4:10pm

I would like to say a great big thank you to everyone who helped to make our Christmas Fair a great success last night. The PTFAs Christmas Grotto looked lovely and the children were very excited to meet Father Christmas.

The cakes that were donated went down a treat, especially the home made ones! We should think about having a Birchley Bake Off, as we clearly have some talented bakers amongst our families.  I could be the judge - tasting all of the entries smiley

As a school, we are especially grateful for all of the donations of toiletries, bottles and Christmas chocolates. Without your donations the Christmas Fair would not have been as successful. 

A big thank you to the choir too, who sang so well at the start of the Christmas Fair. You really added to the festive feel children. 

I will let you know how much we raised in next week's newsletter.