A big hello and welcome back Y1

Date: 11th Sep 2020 @ 10:10pm

Welcome back everyonesmiley!


We have completed our first full week in school and MrsTaylor and I are proud of how you are starting to get used to the new Year 1 routinesyes.

You have completed lots of PSHE work about "The Sunshine After The Rain", writing and drawing about what you did and how you felt during lockdown and what you are looking forward to doing now we are back in school.  In Maths, you have been counting and reading, writing and ordering numbers and this is something that you can practise at home with Mummy or Daddy.  You have completed your writing baselines with Mrs Taylor, which will inform your writing targets, and some of you have written diary entries about your holidays with me. We have already started our Letters and Sounds lessons and your spellings, based upon the rules learnt in class, were sent home on Monday.  Mrs Taylor and I have loved listening to you all read and we are busy completing your reading baseline assessments.  Your first home reading book will be sent home on Thursday.  This week in Science, we started our topic of “Marvellous Me” by learning the external body parts by playing "Simon Says” and “The Okey Kokey” and by singing “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes.”  We then drew around the outlines of our friends on large pieces of paper and we will label their external body parts next week.  We thought it was really funny when some of our outlines looked like aliens or monsters!  In Come and See we have learnt about the Core Values of St Marys and started our new topic of “Families” by drawing pictures of our families.


From Mrs Duffyheart