9th October- UK Landmarks, Digital Footprints and Amazing Artwork

Date: 8th Oct 2020 @ 8:39pm

Hello everybody!

It’s been another busy, but lovely week in Year 2. Mrs Ryan and Mrs TD continue to be blown away by the fantastic attitudes and resilience shown by our wonderful class. Here is a snippet of what we have been up to recently…

We have been having lots of fun learning all about the capital cities of the UK and their landmarks. With some help from ‘Travelling Ted’ we have written  postcards from London and Edinburgh. We used capital letters for proper nouns (the names of particular places, people and things) and used full stops to end our sentences. We created a class travel brochure about the landmarks that can be found in Cardiff. Lots of the children were particularly interested in the Principality Stadium, where the Welsh rugby team play. Finally, we drew pictures and wrote ‘super sentences’- including adjectives- about some of the landmarks that can be found in Belfast, such as The Titanic Museum and The Botanical Gardens.

In our Computing lessons, we have been thinking about our ‘digital footprint’. This is the trail that we leave behind when we go on electronic devices. We had a think about what our digital footprints look like and drew these out in the shape of footprints. We talked about the importance of never sharing our passwords with anyone and logging out of games and apps once we have finished playing on them.

In our Art lessons, we have been learning about Caribbean artist Roy Lawaetz. He is from the Virgin Islands which are not far from Trinidad and Tobago where ‘Gregory Cool’ went to visit his grandparents. We spent some time looking at examples of Lawaetz’s artwork- which is mainly about life in the Caribbean. We talked about how he uses colours, patterns and shapes to create different effects. We even looked at one of his paintings that Mrs Ryan cut in half and we had to draw what we thought the other half would look like. Over the next few lessons, we will be creating some of our own art work in the style of Lawaetz.

Coming home tonight are some 'Home Learning Books'. These are to be used in the event of a temporary bubble/whole school closure, or if a child has to self isolate. These books contain passwords for the children to access the school website  (where we will set further work) and Purple Mash, Education City and Numbots. We use these platforms regularly in school so the children are familiar with them. There is also a ‘Help Sheet’ for parents explaining how to access the remote learning set on our school website and a guide to ‘Day1 Home Learning’.  Please note that these will only be needed in the event of a bubble/whole school closure, or in cases where individual children may have to isolate. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask a member of the Year 2 team. We are always happy to help.

We hope that everyone has a safe and enjoyable weekend.

Mrs Ryan & The Year 2 Team